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Find Out More About Us

We, Bright Bridge provide you a comprehensive set of services to support entrepreneurs and business owners in establishing and managing their businesses. We assist you in starting a company with registration and setting up payment processing which can be crucial for individuals navigating the complexities of business operations. The fact that our services are available online and easy to use is a significant advantage, as it caters to the convenience and efficiency that many entrepreneurs seek. Providing a streamlined process with just a few clicks can save time and effort for our clients.

Our experts are ready to help

An old picture of Companies House when they were based in City Road, London.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and e-commerce enthusiasts by providing a seamless and reliable dropshipping experience. Our aim is to be the trusted partner with a commitment to innovation, transparency, and customer satisfaction that enables individuals to build and grow their online businesses effortlessly. We focus on premium quality of website for the client with efficient product research which is very important for the dropshipping business. Strong digital marketing knowledge is one of the most important parts of dropshipping business and we Bright Bridge have a wonderful experienced digital marketing team and they are very caring about client’s every step of work.

Our team have been based in City Road since 1971. Long before the days of digital company registration, our teams used to walk across the road from the office to manually lodge new companies by hand at Companies House.

Why Choose Us To Set Up Your Company?

Our team has well over 100-years of combined expertise forming companies and providing corporate and secretarial services that help thousands of our clients grow their businesses each year.

We are incredibly passionate about the quality of our service, and we are incredibly proud of our customer feedback, as shown by our excellent reviews and ratings. Time and time again, we are selected for the value and expertise that our team is known for.

We are an authorised Companies House eFiling agent which allows us to register companies quickly for clients in the UK and overseas. In most cases, once submitted to Companies House, the company formation process is fully completed in just over 3 hours.

Our team is your team

Our team have a vast amount of experience with over 100 years combined industry experience in company formation and secretarial services. The people behind Your Company Formations have helped shape the company formation industry and have been providing leading and innovative services to a global audience.

We understand that any business can provide a service but it’s the people behind the company that make the difference. We are focused to bringing you the best service at a price that’s affordable.

If you would like to get in touch with us today, you can contact us or feel free to browse our website.

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